

The word VIDEO+SERIAL will set the system output to the serial port in addition to the MuP21 generated video.

21 LOAD will load two tools to type blocks.
22 LIST will show a directory of blocks
23 LIST will show a copyright message for P21Forth 1.02
2A LOAD will load an erase screen utility
2B LOAD will load utilites to compress or decompress words to bytes

24 LOAD 25 LOAD 26 LOAD 27 LOAD 28 LOAD 29 LOAD will load the assembler.

9 B THRU will load the multitasker demo.

40 43 THRU will load the ENV. demo.

2B LOAD 2C LOAD GET3D will load 3D demos DEMO1 DEMO2 DEMO3

FAST-I/O will switch to high speed I/O, and SLOW-I/O will switch to slow speed I/O.

Jeff Fox
2512 10th St.
Berkeley CA 94710

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