Offete Enterprises, Inc.

Updated 12/6/1999

This page is at the Ultra Technology dot com website. Ultra Technology offers information on all Offete Enterprise, Inc. Products here and of the two Offete Boards that UltraTechnology supports in the UltraTecnology Online Store.

Offete Enterprises, Inc. is run by Dr. C. H. Ting. Dr. Ting is an active supporter and former board member of the Forth Interest Group. Offete Enterprises has a long product list including versions of Forth for many systems, and documentation on some popular public domain Forth systems. Offete Enterprises is marketing the MuP21 Microprocessor.


January 2000


4123 Volume 23, $20, November 1998. 80C51XA eForth, 8051 eForth 2.02, Shadow ROM model, token thread 8051 eForth, and Forth multiplocessing.

4124 Volume 24, $20, November 1999. P8 microprocessor on XC4005XL, Improvements on eForth model, Firmware Engineering Workshop, P16 simulator, 6805 eForth and code nuggets.

1015 Firmware Engineering Workshop, C. H. Ting-- $50.00
A tutorial in 4 parts for building firmware for embedded systems, based on enhanced eForth. Hands-on experiments using CT100 Lab Board with 8051. 8086 eForth 2.02 and 8051 eForth 2.03 are included with the original eForth 1.01 for 8086 and 8051.

2140 80C51XA eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Indirect Threaded eForth for Philips' 16-bit 8051 extended architecture clone. Extended so that it forms a self-contained firmware development system using the Shadow ROM model.

2141 6805 eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Subroutine threaded eForth is ported to 6805. Fully optimized so that the interpreter and compiler run as fast as possible.

2142 8086 eForth Version 2.02, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Enhanced eForth for 8086. Name and code dictionary unified. It can load source code from DOS text files and dump EXE file image. It is useful to develop substantial applications in the DOS environment.

2143 8051 eForth Version 2.03, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Enhanced eForth for 8051. Optimized using subroutine threading. Name and code dictionary unified. It can load source code and dump core image through the serial port. It is useful to develop substantial applications.


1002 Forth Notebook, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Large collection of examples of Forth programming style in solving moderate to complicated problems. Topics include: games, instrument control, image processing and analysis, microassembler, and more.

1003 Inside F83, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Everything you want to know about the Perry-Laxen F83 system but afraid to ask. 288 packed pages divided into 4 parts: tutorial on F83 system, the kernel, utility, and 8086 specific tools. It is based on F83 Version 2.1 for the IBM-PC, but useful as a reference manual for all other F83 systems.

1004 F83 Source, H. Laxen & M. Perry--$25.00
Complete source of F83 for 8080, 8086, and 68000 CPUs. With a short tutorial and a sorted index.

1007 F-PC User's Manual, C. H. Ting--$20.00
Manual for above F-PC Forth system. 10 chapters on installation, programming tools, sequential file and editor, extended memory, DOS interface, PASM assembler, utilities and user contributions. Including a complete glossary.

1008 F-PC Technical Reference Manual, C. H. Ting--$30.00
Narration on all words in the kernel of F-PC. Functional description of the utilities and applications. Valuable guide to F-PC internals and assembly coding in PC. 300 pages.

1010 Systems Guide to figForth, C. H. Ting, 2nd Ed.--$25.00
The most authoritative treatise on how's and why's of the fig-Forth model developed by Bill Ragsdale. Internal structure of the Forth system New edition printed using a laser printer.

1011 Forth Notebook, Vol.2, C. H. Ting, 2nd Ed.--$25.00
Revised edition. ROMmable F83 system, Forth on Harris 80 and VAX, 8086 and 68000 disassemblers, high density parallel processor systems using NCR GAPP chips, array processing with FPS AP120B, electronic organ music, neural network simulation, Chinese limericks, and many more.

1012 Seeing Forth by Jack J. Woehr-- $15.00
'Forth in the context of the intellectual threads of our time.' A well published Forth author expounding on the philosophy of Forth. Between articles, Jack inserts many interesting Forth code written in JForth for Amiga.

1013 eForth and Zen, C. H. Ting-- $15.00
Complete description and exposition of the eForth kernel, high level words, interpreter, compiler and utilities. Comparison of Forth and Zen, their similarities in historical development and in their strife towards simplicity and understanding.

1014 MuP21 Programming Manual, Second Edition, C. H. Ting-- $25.00
Primary reference for MuP21 microprocessor. Architecture, instruction set, video coprocessor programming, assembler, bootstrap code, Chuck Moores's OK demonstration system, and his lectures on P21 and OK. With MuP21H update.

1015 Firmware Engineering Workshop, C. H. Ting-- $50.00
A tutorial in 4 parts for building firmware for embedded systems, based on enhanced eForth. Hands-on experiments using CT100 Lab Board with 8051. 8086 eForth 2.02 and 8051 eForth 2.03 are included with the original eForth 1.01 for 8086 and 8051.


2102 F-PC V3.56, Tom Zimmer--$25.00
File based, 1M byte addressing space, very fat Forth system, built by Tom Zimmer and associates. Nice editor, floating point packages, pre- and post-fix assembler, decompiler, disassembler, debugger, multi-tasker, TCOM target compilers for 8086, 6805, 80196 and lots more. Now released on two 1.2M disks.

2103 LaForth, LaFarr Stuart and Robert L. Smith--$25.00
A highly optimized, lean and mean experimental Forth system for MSDOS PC. It interprets words instead of lines of text. Graphic structure commands. Downloads text file from PC. 128 threads hashed dictionary. Many other controversial features.

2104 8086 eForth Model, Bill Muench and C. H. Ting--$25.00
A small portable Forth system designed for microprocessors of the 90's. 31 machine dependent kernel words and 191 high level words. Separated code and name dictionaries. Source code is in Microsoft MASM assembly. Disk and eForth Implementation Guide.

2105 8051 eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
A small ROM based Forth system for the popular Intel 8051/31 microcontroller. Source code is in Microsoft MASM assembly. Easily modifiable to suit specific ROM/RAM configurations. Source code on an IBM 5.25" disk. With 8051 eForth Implementation Note.

2106 The Forth Course, Richard H. Haskell--$25.00
A self learning tutorial based on FPC 3.50. 11 machine loadable lessons lead you from Forth fundamentals to 8086 interrupt services at your own pace. Invaluable in getting yourself familiar with the very massive FPC system. Manual and disk.

2107 68000 eForth, Richard H. Haskell--$25.00
A 32-bit 68000 implementation of eForth for the Motorola ECB Board. Dr. Ting also contributed a file in that MASM is forced to produce code in the Motorola byte order.

2108 32-Bit 8086 eForth, Rick VanNorman--$25.00
This is a 32 bit implementation of eForth for 80x8x family of processors. Much of the high level code are rewritten in assembly to improve the performance. The object code is generated by a Forth metacompiler (included , not from MASM source. Many other utilities are provided and are good eForth coding examples.

2109 Z80 eForth, Ken Chen--$25.00
Ken Chen is a member of Taiwan FIG Chapter. He moved eForth to the popular Z80 processor with significant enhancement. It also contains a diagnostic program for eForth which allows the implementor to debug eForth during cold boot.

2110 Subroutine Threaded eForth, R. H. Haskell--$25.00
Dr. Haskell recoded eForth using subroutine threading so that all high level words can be executed and tested as coded words. This disk includes 68000, 68HC11 and 8086 implementations with a host interface in F-PC.

2111 F-PC User Contributions-- $25.00
Most extensive collection of F-PC applications. 80 files contributed by users over the last three years. Covers everything from graphics, oops to Walsh transform. Two 1.2M disks.

2112 32-Bit 386 eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
This is a 32 bit implementation of eForth for 80386 in the protected mode. It comes with Al Williams' DOS extender and calls DOS keyboard and screen services.

2114 68HC11 eForth, Karl Lunt--$25.00
This eForth is based on a public domain 68HC11 assembler ASM11. The native assembler makes it easier for the user to extend the eForth and optimize the kernel for specific applications.

2115 8098/96 eForth, Kezhong Ting--$25-00 This eForth for the Intel 8098/96 family of microcontroller is contributed by an author from Nanjing, People's Republic of China. Also includes a 8096 assembler written in FPC.

2116 eForth Experiments, Pal Alm, $25.00
Pal published PalForth. This eForth is target compiled from PalForth. PalForth, target compiler and 8086 assembler are all included in this system. It shows how much the MASM irritates people who had ascended metacompilation.

2117 Pic17C42 eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
eForth for Microchip's 16-bit high performance microcontroller. Written in ASM17 assembler.

2118 The First Course, C. H. Ting--$25.00
An introductory course on F-PC for people new to Forth. Six lessons cover topics like input/output, stack operations, math operations, and programming. Many examples are offered to guide self-study. Manual and disk.

2120 8051 and 68HC11 eForth, W. Schemmert--$25.00
Opitmized eForth for 8051 and 68HC11, written in native UCASM assemblers. Most of the documentation is in German. Supplied with EFTERM terminal emulator.

2121 Transputer eForth, Bob Barr--$25.00
eForth for Inmos 32-bit transputers. This is an experimental implementation not yet tested on a Transputer system. Volunteers are welcome to put this system to the test.

2122 386 eForth on DPMI, Rick VanNorman--$25.00
This eForth runs under Windows through the DPMI interface. 32-bit registers and addressing space in the protected mode.

2123 386 OK, V3.1, Chuck Moore--$75.00
A new user interface to 386 computers by Chuck Moore. It has a multi-layered menu system using 7 keys. Runs in 386 protected mode with greatly simplified DOS interface. Documentation prepared by C. H. Ting.

2124 MIPS eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
eForth implemented for MIPS microprocessors in Silicon Graphics Workstation. Use a small C loader and call I/O routines in C library.

2125 H8 eForth, Bernie Mentink--$25.00
Mentink of New Zealand contributed this eForth for H8/532 from Hitachi. H8 is very powerful. It has on-chip counter/timers, 3 PWM, 10-bit A/D, 65 I/O pins, 1Kb ram 32 Kb OTP ROM, 20 MHz crystal.

2126 7810 eForth, John Talbert--$25.00
John Talbert at Oberlin Observatory contributed this for NEC78C10. 7810 has 3 8-bit I/O ports, 8-bit A/d, serial I/O, 256 bytes of RAM and 10 16-bit registers. Another powerful Japanese microcontroller.

2127 FPC-ak, Arnold Klingelnberg--$30.00
A streamlined FPC system built by Arnold Klingelnber in Germany. Many demo programs, instant install, and much improved hypertext help system.

2128 FPC User AK1, Arnold Klingelnberg--$25.00
User contributions collected by Arnold Klingelnberg in Germany. Lots of games, utilities, floating point, graphics applications.

2129 F95, Tom Zimmer and Andrew McKewan--$25.00
32-bit Forth for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Originally named Win32Forth. Windows procedure calls and constants. OOP extensions. Aligned to ANS Forth Standard. Complete source code. Suitable for very large projects.

2130 The Second Course, C. H. Ting--$20.00
Subtitle "Input Output Exercises". 6 easy lessons to teach Forth using input and output problems as exercises. Include a floating point calculator, VGA graphics, printer control, music on PC, stepper motor control, and a traffic controller.

2131 The Third Course, C. H. Ting--$20.00
Subtitle "Right to Assemble". 6 Easy lessons to teach people how to use Forth to assemble machine instructions to optimize applications. Examples are DTMF, data compression, power graphics, Mandelbrot plots, interrupts and floating point coprocessor.

2132 CT100 Lab Board User Manual, C. H. Ting--$20.00
CT-100 is a 8051 based microcontroller training system, with integrated peripherals like LED and LCD displays, keys and keyboard input, ADC. DAC, stepper motor controller, relays, RS232, 8255, and 8279 peripherals. This manual details experiments using 8051 Forth to controller these devices.

2133 32-Bit 386 eForth V.4.02, C. H. Ting--$25.00
This is a 32 bit implementation of eForth for 80386 in the protected mode. It enters into protected mode directly under DOS through an OK loader. Only COM1 is active at 9600 baud. Keyboard, screen and disks are all silenced. You need another PC to serve as a host through the serial port.

2134 32-Bit 386 eForth V.4.03, C. H. Ting--$25.00
This is a 32 bit implementation of eForth for 80386 in the protected mode. It replaces the Video BIOS at C0000H and is activated by system BIOS. It converts a 386/486 motherboard to a diskless, embedded Forth processor, communicating with a PC through the COM1 port.

2135 56002 eForth, Dave Taliaferro--$25.00
First working version of eForth for Motorola 56002 DSP chip. Include Motorola 56000 Assembler and the assembler manual.

2136 68HC16 eForth, Pete Zawasky--$25.00
A direct threaded eForth assembled with Motorola ToolWare M68HC16 Assembler and used on M68HC16EVB board.

2137 Froth, Oliver Singla--$25.00
Forth from France! 32-bit protected mode Forth running in a DOS box under Windows95. Fully optimized with building editor. On-line help, word browser, complete library definitions. Multi-threads, protection against memory exceptions. Public domain.

2138 Java eForth, Michael Losh--$25.00
Java implementation of eForth for Java Virtual Machine. Token threaded, word addressing, accessed through a console-style Java applet. Opened in a browser like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

2139 PowePC eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
A tool program running under MPW on PowerPC Macintosh. NEXT is a branch-through-link-register machine instruction and the Forth virtual engine is very fast.

2140 80C51XA eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Indirect Threaded eForth for Philips' 16-bit 8051 extended architecture clone. Extended so that it forms a self-contained firmware development system using the Shadow ROM model.

2141 6805 eForth, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Subroutine threaded eForth is ported to 6805. Fully optimized so that the interpreter and compiler run as fast as possible.

2142 8086 eForth Version 2.02, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Enhanced eForth for 8086. Name and code dictionary unified. It can load source code from DOS text files and dump EXE file image. It is useful to develop substantial applications in the DOS environment.

2143 8051 eForth Version 2.03, C. H. Ting--$25.00
Enhanced eForth for 8051. Optimized using subroutine threading. Name and code dictionary unified. It can load source code and dump core image through the serial port. It is useful to develop substantial applications.


4001 Footsteps in an Empty Valley, C. H. Ting--$25.00
3rd Edition, March 1988. Completely revised and expanded to 250 pages. Detailed description of NC4000, architecture, instruction set, circuit of a NC4000 computer, commentary of the latest cmForth (Dec. 1987 , programming tips, source code of cmForth, glossary, and index.

4002 Tiny Nodula2 for cmForth, Steve Lhor--$25.00
200 Screens of code implementing Modula-2 on NC4000. A substantial project in NC4000. Source code on IBM-PC 5.25" disk with documentation.

4003 Indelko RTX2000 Kit--$150.00
A low cost kit similar to Chuck Moore's FORTHkit with cmForth to run with a Harris RTX2000 chip. Consists of a 100 mm square PC board, 2 EPROM's containing cmForth, and a PC-DOS diskette with cmForth source code and a terminal/disk server. Ideal for experimenting and serious applications.

4004 Indelko RTX2001A Kit--$150.00
Revised RTX Forth Kit to run with a low cost Harris RTX2001AJC-8 Forth chip. Consists of a 100 mm square PC board, 2 EPROM's containing cmForth Version 3.0, and a MS-DOS diskette with updated cmForth source code and a terminal/disk server. Ideal for experimenting and serious applications. Forth Engine is now affordable!

4005 ShBoom Microprocessor, An Applications Manual--$25.00
Documentation on the 32 bit microprocessor designed by Chuck Moore. Detailed discussions on the architecture, the instructions set, the DMA coprocessor, and the DRAM interface of this powerful 50 MHz device.

4006 RTX Supplement to Footsteps in an Empty Valley, C. H. Ting-- $10.00
A companion of the Indelko RTX Forth Kit. Features of RTX Forth engine and revised source code of RTX cmForth, Version 3.0. Also include source code of common utilities, double, quad and multiple precision math word sets.

4010 MuP21 Chip designed by Chuck Moore, $25 High performance, low power 20-bit microprocessor with memory coprocessor and video coprocessor. 40-pin plastic DIP package. Peak execution speed 80 MIPS at 5V. Volume discount available.

4011 MuP21 Evaluation Kit, $100 Include MuP21, a printed circuit board, a 128KB EPROM, instructions and assembler diskette. Build your own stand-alone MuP21 development system. Great for evaluation and experimenting.

4012 Assembled MuP21 Evaluation Kit, $250 MuP21 system with 1Mx20 DRAM, 128KB EPROM, and 8-bit parallel I/O ports. Apply 5V power and it generates NTSC signals to drive a color TV monitor. Manual, MuP21 assembler and sample code included to guide application development.

1014 MuP21 Programming Manual, C. H. Ting-- $25.00
Primary reference for MuP21 microprocessor. Architecture, instruction set, video coprocessor programming, assembler, bootstrap code, Chuck Moores's OK demonstration system, and his lectures on P21 and OK. With MuP21H update.

4013 MuP21 Advanced Assembler, Robert Patten, $50 Easy to use and powerful assembler for coding MuP21 applications. Code are organized in 1K word pages. Local words in a page cannot be accidentally referenced from other pages. Global words can be referenced anywhere. Assembler generates up to 64KB of object code which can be burnt into EPROM to boot MuP21.

4014 P21Forth V1.0.1, Jeff Fox, $50 (free at UT website) An extended eForth gives Forth users a familiar environment to develop applications in Forth. Include serial and parallel I/O ports, multitasker, graphic utilities, and many other useful tools to support software development. System and application source code included.

4015 MuP21 eForth V2.04, C. H. Ting, $25 This is a simple, generic implementation of eForth Model on MuP21. It 's purposes is educational, for a new user to understand how MuP21 works and to write MuP21 code himself. It is built from a simple metacompiler extended from Chuck Moore's OK system.

4016 Ceramic MuP21 Prototype Chip, $150 MuP21 packaged in 40-pin ceramic package. It does not have the timing restriction on A! instruction. Works between 4.5 to 6.0 volts. Very limited supply.

4018 MuP21H Chip in PLCC, $40 MuP21 is now available in 44-pin PLCC packages. It has much smaller (1/3 footprint compared to DIP, and is suitable for surface mount.

4019 MuP21H Evaluation Kit, $100 Include PLCC MuP21H, a printed circuit board, a 128KB EPROM with eForth V2.08, instructions and assembler diskette. Build your own stand-alone MuP21 development system with 82C51 UART.

4020 Assembled MuP21H Evaluation Kit, $250 MuP21 system with 1Mx20 DRAM, 128KB EPROM eForth V2.08, and 82C51 UART to talk to PC host. Apply 5V power and it generates NTSC signals to drive a color TV monitor. Manual, MuP21 assembler and sample code included to guide application development.

MORE ON FORTH ENGINES, Ed. C. H. Ting Vol. 1-17 $15.00
; Vol. 18-24 $20.

4101 Volume 1, July 1986. Fig-Tree style forum on NC4000. Topics including bugs, products, tips, benchmarks, and Chuck Moore's teleconference.

4102 Volume 2, October 1986. NC4000 Users Group's Newsletter. Hardware enhancements, software and many utility programs.

4103 Volume 3, January 1987. NC6000/5000 advanced information, QUAN, DEPTH, and CASE, DROP, PICK, battery power supply, floating point, A/D converters, and more.

4104 Volume 4, April 1987. Chuck Moore's AppNotes 1-7, line drawing, screen editor, 32 bit Forth engine design, Fourier transform, and Tiny Modula 2.

4105 Volume 5, July 1987. Chuck Moore's AppNotes8-15, Harris FORCE Toolbox, Fk3 parallel processing system, BX probe, high speed pattern generator, and 32 bit Forth engine simulator.

4106 Volume 6, Nov. 1987. mpForth, MIDI interface, multiplier- accumulator, Yin-Yang, NC4000 decompiler, Harris FORCE and MISC M17.

4107 Volume 7, Mar. 1988. cmForth (Dec. 1987 , AT/FORCE technical notes, fixes for interrupt, interface to Intel chips, cross compiler, decompiler and debugger.

4108 Volume 8, May 1988. 8 Application Notes from Novix and 2 from VME, Inc., covering wide range of topics, including disk drives, T1 switch, laser printer server, and more on interrupts.

4109 Volume 9, Nov. 1988. F68HC11, Super8, RTX2000 Forth chips. NC4000 LISP kernel, non-optimizing compiler, decompiler, and parallel processor structures.

4110 Volume 10, Jan. 1989. RTX cmForth/cross assembler, RTX reprints from 1988 Rochester Forth Conference, trainable neuronets on NC4000 and MARC4, a 4-bit Forth CMOS microcomputer.

4111 Volume 11, July 1989. RTX interrupts/utilities from S. Lohr, Silicon Composers on SC32, a 32 bit Forth engine, and RTX supplement to Footsteps in an Empty Valley by C. H. Ting. Revised for RTX cmForth Version 3.0, April 1990.

4112 Volume 12, April 1990. Fast sortings, Continuous Fourier Transform, phase angle measurement device, pigForth project, ShBoom microprocessor instruction set, and Neural network board.

4113 Volume 13, October 1990. Lohr's infix expression compiler, lightweight multitasker, AZForth. Ting's 8051 eForth and real time Fourier transform. Paul Ulrich's PALs.

4114 Volume 14, July 1991. Chuck Moore's MuP20 spec and its eForth implementation by Ting. RTX pocket oscilloscope by Harry Winter, DOS file system for NC4000 by Dwight Elvey, Z80 eForth systems implemented by Ken Chen and Dave Langren.

4115 Volume 15, January 1992. Chuck Moore's new CAD system, John Ribles's QS1 and QS2 chips, Ting's hacking CMOS VLSI, more on eForth and more on FPC.

4116 Volume 16, September 1992. Chuck Moore's new OK system and P20 application notes, Ting's P20A2 board, 386 protected mode eForth, and Schlesisiek's FRP1600 from Germany.

4117 Volume 17, May 1993. P21 Specifications, eForth for PIC17C42, 8051 and 6811 eForth from Schemmert, Transputer eForth from Bob Barr, and 386 eForth with DPMI from VanNorman.

4118 Volume 18, $20, June 1994. P21 source code. Chuck Moore's OK4.3 and 4.4, Jeff Fox's p21 eForth, and C. H. Ting's eForth kernel and OKCHAR and layout printing to Deskjet 550C.

4119 Volume 19, $20, March 1995. P21 eForth source code by C. H. Ting. MuP21 Macro Assembler on MASM by Mark Coffman. Decriptions on Jeff Fox's P21Forth and Robert Patten's Advanced Assembler. Other MuP21 related articles and tidbits.

4120 Volume 20, $20, September 1995. Chuck Moore's three patents for NC4000, RTX2000, and ShBoom. Ting's exploration of the video coprocessor in MuP21 on many rectangle drawing routines and audio generation to play Bach's Two Part Inventions

4121 Volume 21, $20, August 1996. New MuP21H Kit, CT100 Lab Board, 32bit 386 eForth in ROM, laws of computing, Zen of state machines, ShBoom spec, Fieldbuss Controller and P16 microprocessor design.

4122 Volume 22, $20, September 1997. P16 microprocessor designs in schematics, QuickLogic FPGA, Verilog and VHDL. Java eForth by Losh, and PowerPC eForth by Ting.

4123 Volume 23, $20, November 1998. 80C51XA eForth, 8051 eForth 2.02, Shadow ROM model, token thread 8051 eForth, and Forth multiprocessing.

4124 Volume 24, $20, November 1999. P8 microprocessor on Xilinx XC4005XL, improvements on eForth model, Firmware Engineering Workshop, P16 simulator, 6805 eForth and code nuggets.


9001 PC Organ, C. H. Ting--$15.00
Build an electronic organ with your IBM-PC. Instructions and source code to build and play an organ with up to 12 voice channels. Great for Bach's polyphonic organ music.

9002 Parallel Interface Card for PC--$159.00
Four 8253's and four 8255's with 12 counter-timers and 96 digital I/O lines. Ideal for above organ and robotic applications.

9003 Forth ROM Card for Apple II--$50.0 Language card with Forth-79 in ROM, with 6502 assembler and Starting Forth editor. Turn Apple II into a Forth machine.

9004 79-Forth ROM for Apple II--$10.00
Complete source listing and system documentation for above Forth ROM Card.

9005 Forth for the complete Idiot--$7.00
Introduction to Forth. Specifically designed for the Forth ROM Card system for Apple II above.

9006 Neural Computing Module NCM3232--$85.00
32 simulated neurons on a 7x12" pc board. The neurons are fully connected to 32 inputs. Socket holes are provided for 1056 resistors which define the synaptic weights of the neural network. Examples of character recognition and Walsh transform are provided. Many modules can be connected to expand the neural network.

9007 VLSI Hacker's Kit, C. H. Ting--$50.00
All the information you need to access the National Security Agency's CMOSN Standard Cell Library. It includes the binary cell library, FPC source files to extract cell information from the library, and a manual on how to use these files. With these tools, designing a VLSI chip is similar to laying out a two layer PC board.

9008 CT-100 Lab Board, $250.00
This board is manufactured in Taiwan to train students in microcontroller interfacing. It has 8051 as the CPU, surrounded by interesting devices like LED and LCD displays, ADC, DAC, stepper motor controller, key array and keyboard, buzzer, etc. Manual is available as Item #2132.

Dr. C. H. Ting                        Offete Enterprise
San Mateo, California                     1306 South B Street
October, 1996                     San Mateo, CA 94402
                              (650)574-8250, Fax (650)571-5004